Christian Audio Adventures Make Learning History Fun!
See What Other Parents And Grandparents Are Saying
Home School History Curriculum Ideas
- Daniel
Thank you for recording and making Beric the Briton, it was outstanding. My mom read the book to me and my brothers and it was exciting, but when I listened to your audio, it was OUTSTANDING! I loved the part when Beric saved Amelia and tied up the lion and disabled it. My name is Daniel, and I’m 10 turning 11 in May. I’ve also listened to ‘With Lee In Virginia’ and ‘The Cat Of Bubastes.’ Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
We Love Christian Audio!
Love your stuff, kids love it and we use it for our home school history curriculum. Were an audio family and love christian audio like Heirloom Audios. Many Thanks!
Greetings! Something about Christian audio adventures that brings our family together. One nice thing . Our kids don't know they are learning. But they are. Best home school curriculum I can think of if fun counts. And it does in our house!

- Amy Zamora
The audios are action packed. They catch everyone’s attention. We all learn history. The favorite so far is Beric the Briton. We listen to them in the car or while we are doing chores. I originally purchased for using with 7 kids of various ages to and from school. Now we use them as stated above. I also have adult family members who enjoy borrowing them.
- Wendi Kitsteiner
this story had it all. It had family love. It had romantic love. It had loss. It had being found. It had adventure. It had gold and a treasure hunt! (This was one of our favorite parts -- when the group begins a quest to find treasure in a new location.) This story was simply something that had a little bit of something for everyone.This was also the first time that every single member of our family listened to an entire production including our youngest member... this one kept her captivated and interested right along with her siblings. It truly made our road trip fly by. The CD says that this is for ages 6 and up, but I really think this particular production could be listened to with younger siblings pretty "safely" and easily.”
- Ken & Lois Barron
Enjoying the G.A. Henty audio dramas – We have all of the G. A. Henty audio dramas that you have produced – Under Drake’s Flag; Cat of Bubastes; With Lee in Virginia; Reign of Terror; etc. We enjoy the audio adventures because they bring history to life. They are action filled and exciting. We feel as if we are right there in the happenings of history. Most of all, we appreciate the way the faith of these people is exhibited in their lives. It is wonderful to know that many historical figures had a personal faith in God and they sought to live for Him.
Home School History Curriculum That Teaches Forgiveness
- Kym Thorpe
We've been enjoying these stories in The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series for a few years now, and expected the latest, Captain Bayley's Heir, to be another thrilling tale. We were not disappointed!... Throughout the story, the themes of second chances, forgiveness, and God's grace are echoed. In fact, my favorite quote is from Frank's friend Abe, who tells him: Because it's God's grace that fills in the gaps. The Good Book puts it this way: ‘My grace is sufficient for thee.’
- Rhoda Graybill
We are a family in Lancaster County, PA. We now have all the audio adventures and plan to keep adding as new ones are produced. We started with “Under Drake’s Flag” and so far, that one has remained our favorite. However, “Beric the Briton” is a close second! Our whole family enjoys listening as we drive, but our 13-year-old son has first dibs on them outside the vehicle! G.A. Henty has become an honored name around our house! Best Home school history curriculum? They are an awesome discussion starter, with a focus on courage and bravery from a kid’s perspective. Plus, history as a story guarantees that history is not relegated to the ‘boring’ category in my kids’ minds. They view history as a living thing – therefore relatable and relevant. And as a mom, I couldn’t be happier with the role these audio adventures play in that!

Best Home School Curriculum That Goes With You!
- The Aaron & Sarah White Family
Our growing family of six absolutely LOVES listening to the G.A. Henty adventures! We have listened to all the audio adventures as we travel. Our family has been known to stay in our vehicle at our destination to finish just one more chapter of the current adventure we are embarked upon. When one adventure is over, we enthusiastically look forward to the next! Thank you Heirloom Audio for producing quality, Biblically accurate material that makes our children’s imaginations come alive! Blessings to all!
Quality Christian Audio!
- The Bagasao Family
Heirloom productions are always of the absolute highest quality with top-notch actors and actresses… There is never any question about quality! The music, production quality, and voice acting draw you in and keep you in the story throughout the entire production...I was in audio heaven once again listening to the voice of Jon Rhys Davies–you can almost hear Gimli bantering with Legolas!
- Michelle Dean
Very impressed with the great service and all extra resources we receive. We are BIG into audio adventures, they are the chocolate in our home school day. I am trying to remember how I first heard about Heirloom Audio. Perhaps through one of the home school blogs I subscribe to. I have not heard about Heirloom Audio from any local families. Will certainly be sharing our new find with our friends.
- Jacqueline Kane
Grandkids Love Christian Audio Adventures!
I have no favorite one as they are all great. The stories make great traveling companions, as I am a truck driver and travel all 48 states. Helps the time pass. I have always tried to order the family pack so that I can share with friends and family. My 5 grandchildren really enjoy listening in the car as well as at home for quiet time. We really appreciate the great adventures that are kid friendly in a time where there is not much. Thank you. God Bless to all at Heirloom Audio Productions.
Christian Audio That's Professionally Done
- Road-Schoolin’ Gypsies
Heirloom Audio Productions are very professionally done - both the acting and the background work - and are a delight to listen to…even the one child that usually steers away from audiobooks was loving it!...Captain Bayley's Heir is an audiobook we'll listen to many times, and we're excited to see that Heirloom has more productions in the works. Not only are your kids learning to love history, but they're also discovering the strong moral character that drove great men to do extraordinary things.
-Megan Canfield
We have In Freedom’s Cause, The Dragon and the Raven, With Lee in Virginia, and Under Drake’s Flag. Our favorite is The Dragon and the Raven, by far. We have listened to it about 10 times in the last 3 months. And as soon as it finished everyone asks to start over! Still!!! I like them because they are historical, they are moral, they speak of the Lord and encourage my young boys to be courageous and trust in Him, even in the face of death! They are wonderful! We listen to them for enjoyment at the moment but I plan to implement them into school next year! Me, my husband and my five children – ages 1-8 all listen to them, basically when we are driving we are listening to a story!
Best Home School Curriculum For Developing Minds!
-Walt from Troy, TN
I look forward to purchasing your new work. I am an old man, so old I remember the days of radio drama and still love audio stories now. I also allow kids at church to borrow my copies to listen to them. Audio does much more to develop young minds than TV.
Great Christian Audio Storytelling!
-Dorothy T
May be the best road trip christian home school curriculum ever thought of. All of our children love your stories. We listen to Beric The Briton over and over and over. The others are good too. When does the next one come out?
- MPHavens
Suspenseful, thrilling, dramatic, exhilarating, thought-provoking, and heart-felt would be ways I would describe Captain Bayley’s Heir. No other audio drama has left me on the edge of my seat, as the riveting tale is being told... Teaching historical moments to children is one component to instill a life long love of learning, especially when it focuses on important truths that will deepen their character. Captain Bayley’s Heir provides such a richness in content that one will feel compelled to apply what has been learned, avoid the dangers of ‘weakened’ character and rise above those challenging circumstances that seems to face us daily. So strap on your side arm, saddle up your horse, and ride out into the sunset as ‘gold fever’ takes over!
Home School History Curriculum Brings History To Life!
- Rachel Myers
They bring history to life in a way that helps you to remember that these are real events and people in history. That they felt fear, joy, confusion, and found their strength and the wisdom to lead in God. We listen in a CD player on long car trips and day-to-day driving! My husband, 7 yr. old son, and myself. We’ve loaned them to family for them to enjoy as well. We are looking forward to listening to Captain Bayley’s Heir and pray you continue making more. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find wholesome audio to enjoy. Thank You!
- Kate Barr
We own all seven Henty audio adventures – ‘Under Drake’s Flag,’ ‘The Dragon and the Raven,’ ‘With Lee in Virginia,’ ‘In Freedom’s Cause,’ ‘Beric the Briton,’ ‘The Cat of Bubastes,’ and ‘In the Reign of Terror’ – and are eagerly anticipating ‘Captain Bayley’s Heir’! We were first introduced to Heirloom Audio Productions through a few blogs we follow, and we intended to eventually buy one to try. Before we got around to it, my mom gave us two as gifts – ‘The Dragon and the Raven’ and ‘With Lee in Virginia.’ We were hooked, bought ‘Under Drake’s Flag’ within a day or two of finishing listening to the first two, and have bought every other adventure as it became available.
Christian Audio For Building Character
- Kelly – Our Everyday Harvest
Not only do these audio books offer tales that are truly one of a kind, but the amazing storytelling skills from the actors really help enhance each one, getting kids more excited about learning historical events that had taken place. I also personally love that everything is based on building Christian character. So while children get pulled into an exciting, action-packed story, they'll also be learning about God, as well as positive values and morals...From the voices, to the amazing music and sound effects in the background; the story is brought to life, almost as if you are watching a movie, but not actually seeing it with your own eyes. With that being said, there is so much detail in the audio, that you really don't need to see it, you can just visualize it in your head. I was especially excited to hear the voice of actor, John Rhys-Davies, as Captain Bayley. I am such a fan of his work, and he has such an amazing voice that's perfect for the character. Some of you may remember his role as Gimli in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, as well as Mordecai in One Night with the King (one of my favorite film adaptations of the book of Esther).
Duty, Honor, Faith in Your Christian Audios
-Brett and Elisabeth Tissiere
We have every one of the Henty audio adventures…when our older two were little, they enjoyed the books; now their younger sibs are loving the audios! We’ve listened to all of them so often that they are beginning to show signs of wear, but I would have to say that the favorite for our 12-year-old daughter (who listens to them literally every day multiple times a day) is Beric the Briton. As a child with developmental disabilities, her attention span can be rather limited with almost everything, but these really captivate her. Our 10-year-old boy has a vivid imagination that is sparked by these adventures. Our family appreciates the historical references and the emphases on faith, character, honor, and duty – all attributes that we want embodied in our children. The whole family truly enjoys them, especially when we travel and can listen to them in their entirety. Heirloom Audio’s production quality is outstanding and impressive, customer service has been very helpful… the only improvement we could imagine would be videos. Thank you for what you have done, and we look forward to more from Heirloom Audio. We have highly recommended these as wholesome adventures for the whole family and we wish you continued success!
Home School History Curriculum That Teaches Godly Freedom
-Trysta Beauchesne
Several months ago, we purchased our first audio CD from Heirloom Audio: ‘Under Drake’s Flag.’ Our two oldest daughters listened to it and absolutely loved it! After realizing that many additional CDs had been made, they were keen to listen to more (along with their siblings, who didn’t want to miss out any longer)! They have now listened to ‘In Freedom’s Cause’… and look forward to curling up and listening to the rest. They truly are amazing. As a homeschooling mom, I believe they are invaluable in bringing history to life for kids. You can’t help but picture the characters and get absorbed in their gripping tales and adventures… all while learning history at the same time. What could be better! ‘Exciting!’ and ‘Intense!’ are words that our kids use to describe them. We would recommend Heirloom Audio CDs for any and every family. Thanks again for making such fabulous CDs. We look forward to each new release!

Christian Audio Adventure "In Freedoms Cause"
Best Home School Curriculum That Makes Learning Fun
- Deann H
They take G.A. Henty stories, which are full of history, excitement, and character building lessons, and turn them into action packed audio dramas. If you know what radio theater is, imagine that... but updated with the technology and actors of today. It's a lot of fun, and a great way to get kids and adults excited about learning history. G.A. Henty can be hard to read, but these dramas retell the story and bring it to life, and have encouraged my kids to read more of his books. I love that last bit SO much...When I asked what my kids thought of Captain Bayley's Heir, I heard ‘Awesome!’ and ‘probably my favorite G.A. Henty book’ and ‘the story is well written and people today can learn they don't need to run away from their problems.’ My kids are really impressed with the new website and how interactive it is. They like the quizzes and streaming options, and they enjoyed the Old Time Radio Vault.
- Amy Enger
My 10 and 9-year-old daughters have listened to both TDATR and TCOB multiple times and will quote parts of it to each other after listening. I appreciate having entertainment with good character values made available to our family. I purchased the family pack of Beric the Briton and TCOB when you offered that sale at Christmastime, and have been sharing those with other families, though we have not listened to BTB yet.
Christian Audio That's Awesome Listening
-Robert Byrd
The Dragon and the Raven are the family favorite because it’s so full of action. They are all GREAT. We have all but the two I think and LOVE THEM ALL. These are not second rate audio, these are star quality. The whole family enjoy them and are getting the last two. Thank you Heirloom Audio Productions for such awesome quality listening.
- Rebekah
Captain Bayley’s Heir was filled with adventure from England to the Mississippi River and the California Gold Rush. The main plot keeps you in suspense over the fate of Frank who is desperate to clear his name from false accusation, while several other sub-plots add intrigue to the entire audio adventure. The professional cast, strong soundtrack and effects combined with G.A. Henty’s authorship and Bill Heid’s production team at Heirloom Audio Productions created a riveting story, making our family time unique and fun-filled.
Christian Audio Thats Fun And Exciting!
I believe we have every one of the adventures you have published. I have enjoyed sharing them with my kids when we travel or they enjoy listening to them on their own. They really liked the Lee in Virginia and I believe the Beric the Briton the best. Your audio adventures are fun, entertaining, educational, and very professionally done, so they are quite engaging. I also give them as presents every year, so not only my 13-18 enjoy them, but I think at least 8 years and up have all enjoyed them.
-Steven G
I love my audio adventures. I have all of them. Under Drake’s Flag was my favorite. The main character, Ned, stood up to danger and persecution for his beliefs and did not waver. His story gives me courage. To me, it felt like God would always have a plan to help me if I just believe in Him and stand firm too. All of them are great. They are filled with action, adventure and suspense. You always want to see what happens next. I like to listen to something after school and my mom will not let me watch a lot of TV so these are perfect. I do kind of get upset when my mom makes me pause it for some reason. I know I shouldn’t, but it is so hard to stop. I’m excited because my mom signed me up for the club where you get the new adventure when it is released. I cannot wait for the next one!
Home School History Curriculum Keeps Kids Engaged
- Melissa
Heirloom Audio Productions has made a fabulous audio book that keeps listeners engaged. Every time I review one of their audio books, I think, ‘This one is my favorite!’, but then the next one comes, and I love it just as much. While I’ve found every audio story from Heirloom Audio Productions accessible to younger kids, this one especially seems to be so. My kids were just as surprised by the plot twists as I was!
- Matt Taylor
from Wisconsin
These really are great resources for our entire family. We love what it speaks to our kids about being who God made them to be and we as the parents equally love the stories too! Please tell everyone that we love them and can’t wait for the next!
Home School History Curriculum For Car Trips
- Lyla Thomas from Utah
We have listened to several of your Heirloom Audio productions and look forward to each one coming out. They are so well done and very exciting to listen to. We listen to them on car trips and they sure make the time go faster. Each one is well researched and presented in story form. Thank you for your work.
Christian Audio Adventures For Special Needs Kids!
- Renee K.
For me Heirloom Audio Productions is a life saver as my daughter has Autism and other disabilities and driving in a car is stressful for her and for the rest of the family. Since we started listening to the stories from Heirloom Audio Productions she is delightful in the car. Yes, every time we are in the car driving we have on one of Heirloom Audio Productions stories and have added on a few other audio books. Heirloom Audio Productions is her favorite. I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to all the stories as I have lost count. We all know the stories by heart. The funny thing is that we are not tired of them as they still grab our attention!My family has listened to many audio books I have to admit that Heirloom Audio Productions is our favorite and we haven’t found anyone who measures up to Heirloom Audio Productions quality. Most of all I love the characters in the story that have courage, morals, and faith in action. You are missing out if you have never heard one of the audio dramas from Heirloom Audio Productions.
Best Home School Curriculum For Families On The Move!
- Kristi
Whatever you do don't stop making these! Love your Christian audio adventures and can't wait for the next one. My son asks me almost every day. He also wants to know how you decide which Henty books to produce the adventures from. Thanks for all you do!
Our favorite production is In Freedoms Cause. Great cast and wonderful sound effects. Made us feel like we were there! We told a few families that go to church with us about your company and think you guys do the best Christian audio right now.
Our goal is to provide Christian Audio Adventures that are not only fun to listen to, but to also provide great home school history curriculum support for existing history studies. Christian audio can make a big difference!

Christian Audio Adventures
For Busy Christian Families
Christian Audio Adventures Can Bring Your Family Together Too! Remember... its your secret home school history curriculum. Kids learn because it's fun. Makes Drive Time... Family Fun Time.